Serving the Cape Town property industry since 1995





Electric fence




Electrical R 595 R 495
Water R 595 R 495
Beetle R 595 R 400
Gas R 595 R 555
Electric Fence R 595 N/A


Electrical R 685 R 570
Water R 685 R 570
Beetle R 685 R 460
Gas R 685 R 570
Electric Fence R 685 N/A


If we are asked to attend to only one inspection (Eg. only the beetle), our minimum call-out fee of R680.00 applies and the inspection fee must be settled upfront.  The option of payment on transfer is not available.

The pricing options above apply to standard residential properties (Eg. 3 – 4 bedroom, single dwelling premises) allowing for an inspection time of up to 1.5 hours.  For larger properties, e.g. farms, industrial and commercial premises, mansions, guest houses, etc, our fees will be charged at R595.00 per hour or part thereof for upfront payment (R685.00 per hour for payment on transfer).

For inspections of properties outside of the general Cape Town area (Peninsula), an additional travel cost may apply.

Our call-out fee (minimum charge) for inspections, maintenance or repairs is R680.00 including VAT.



In terms of Regulation 7(5) of the Electrical Installation Regulations (OHS ACT of 1993), a change of ownership cannot take place unless there is a valid Electrical Certificate of Compliance.

How long is an Electrical Certificate of Compliance valid?
For the purpose of transfer of ownership, an Electrical Certificate of Compliance older than 2 years may not be used. If any electrical work was done after the certificate was issued, a new Electrical Certificate of Compliance will be required.
What does the ElectricalCertificate of Compliance cover?
The Electrical Certificate of Compliance covers:

  • The main distribution board and any sub-distribution boards
  • Socket outlets and light switches
  • Wiring – is it in a safe condition and compatible with the circuit breakers in the distribution board
  • Isolators – have isolators been installed for fixed appliances such as stoves, hot water cylinders (HWC’s), gate and door motors, fans etc.
  • Earthing – all metal parts of the installation need to be earthed.
  • Bonding – HWC pipes, TV antennae and satellite dishes etc, may need to be bonded.
What does Electrical Certificate of Compliance *not* cover?
Electrical Certificate of Compliance does not cover fixed appliances such as:

  • Geysers & Stoves
  • Motors & Fans
  • Under floor heating
  • Pool motors

Please note: The wiring to fixed appliances is covered by the Certificate of Compliance.

Helpful hints to save you money
  • The best advice we can give is to have the inspection done early, before a potential buyer is introduced to the property. This may help you to make decisions that will reduce the costs of repairing any defects.
  • Garden lights – the wiring to garden lighting is often done incorrectly and can be costly to rectify. These can be removed rather than re-instated.
  • Extension leads – temporary leads are often installed for the owner’s benefit and can easily be removed.
  • Additional exterior lighting – these are often non-compliant and can be removed rather than re-instated.
  • TV antennae – may no longer be in use – remove. If the seller leaves it as a fixture it will need to be bonded.
  • Decorative water features and ponds – as fixed appliances, these items require isolators. This is seldom done correctly and can be costly. The electrical supply to these features can be removed to save costs.
  • Electrical installations to wendy houses – are often done illegally. Removing the supply can reduce the costs.
  • Light bulbs – are consumables and are not covered by the Certificate of Compliance. However, it is good practice to ensure that all fused light bulbs are replaced before the inspection is done. This will reduce wastage of time during the inspection process.



No, there is no law that obligates a seller to provide a Beetle Free Certificate.

Then why are properties being inspected for beetle when they are sold?
From the 1940’s to 1960’s wood destroying insects were infesting properties on an epidemic scale. In some instances, the infestations were so severe that roof structures were on the verge of collapse.

Many building societies, which were then the main sources of bond finance, would not advance money to a buyer unless the property to be mortgaged was declared free of wood-destroying insects. And so the need was established for suitably qualified people to carry out inspections and where infestation was identified, recommend remedial measures to eradicate such infestation.

This requirement was written into the Offer to Purchase and it became the seller’s obligation to provide the Beetle Free Certificate.

Is beetle infestation still a problem?
The practice of inspecting and treating beetle infestation when properties are sold, along with the extensive use of pre-treated timber in newer properties, has gone a long way to reducing the incidence of beetle infestation.
Why are beetle inspections still being done if the problem is under control?
We will never fully eradicate wood destroying insects. Vigilance from homeowners and the continual practice of inspecting properties that have been sold will ensure the problem is managed so as not to return to the epidemic proportions of the 1960s.
What is the recommended "Beetle Clause" for the Deed of Sale?
The seller shall arrange at his/her expense to have the accessible timbers on the property inspected by a qualified wood borer inspector who is a member of the South African Pest Control Association (S.A.P.C.A), for infestation by wood destroying insects and for the replacement and/or treatment of any timbers found to be infested, in accordance with the recommendations specified by the inspector.


Why is a Water Installation Certificate required when selling a property?
The City of Cape Town Water by-law 2010 – section 14(1), stipulates that before a property can be transferred, a Certificate of Compliance for the water installation needs to be issued. This came into effect on the 1 March 2011. It is a local by-law and only applies to properties sold where the City of Cape Town is the municipal authority.

A new Certificate of Compliance needs to be issued each time a property is transferred.

Does the Water Installation Certificate of Compliance cover all of the plumbing?
No, the Water Installation Certificate of Compliance IS NOT a plumbing certificate. It is limited to the by-law and is not as comprehensive as a plumbing certificate.

The table below highlights some of the differences between the Water installation certificate and a plumbing certificate of compliance.


Obtainable from City of Cape Town’s Website Obtainable from the Plumbing Industry Registration Board
Requires compliance with the City of Cape Town Water By-Law 2010. Hot water cylinders installed before 2006 do not need a drip tray The entire installation needs to comply with the regulations – Sans 10252 and Sans 10254
Excludes waste water (waste traps, sewerage system, etc.) Includes waste water – Waste traps, sewerage, etc.
Only includes damaged components if they result in a loss of potable water Includes all faulty plumbing components – cracked basins, toilet pans, waste traps etc.
Does not cover leaks on waste / sewerage water Covers leaks from waste water as well sewerage water
Does not cover drainage, with the exception of storm water discharging into the sewer Includes blocked or damaged drains, inspection bends etc.
What does the Water Installation Certificate of Compliance cover?
The parts of the installation that are covered are listed on the Certificate as follows:

  • The Hot Water Cylinder installation complies with SANS 10252 and SANS 10254 (excluding drip trays on geysers installed before 2006).
  • The water pipes in the plumbing installation (especially within the roof space) are properly saddled as per SANS 10252:
  • The water meter records the flow when water is drawn, and does not register when consumption stops.
  • The private isolating valve as per subsection 23(2) (a) or (b) is in place and functioning.
  • None of the terminal water fittings leak and they are correctly fixed in position.
  • No storm water is discharged into the sewerage system.
  • There is no cross connection between the potable supply and any alternate supply.

(Download a sample of the City’s certificate)

The Buyer's expectation
Some buyers will assume that this Certificate of Compliance addresses all plumbing defects – especially buyers from other regions who are not familiar with the City of Cape Town By-Law.

However, our mandate is to inspect to the required standards only. This is to ensure compliance with the by-law, while incurring the minimal cost to the seller.



In terms of Regulation 17(3) of the Pressure Equipment Regulations (OHS ACT of 1993), a Gas Certificate of Compliance must be issued when there is a change of ownership. This came into effect on the 1st October 2009.

What does the Gas Certificate of Compliance cover?
The Gas Certificate of Compliance certifies that:

  • There are no gas leaks
  • Emergency shut off valves have been installed in the correct positions
  • The gas piping, regulator and valves and gas appliance are in a safe working condition and not corroded.

For gas cylinder/s installed on the exterior of a property:

  • Are at least 1 metre away from an airbrick, a door or a window.
  • Are at least 2 metres away from a drain.
  • Are at least 5 metres away from an electrical source of ignition, e.g. a motor, air-conditioner, distribution board etc.
  • Do not exceed the maximum volume of gas allowed on a property, which is 100kg.
Cylinders Installed outside

Cylinders Installed outside

For a gas cylinder installed in the interior of a property (usually inside a cupboard):

  • Is not situated directly below the hob.
  • That the cupboard is vented to prevent the accumulation of gas.
  • There are no electrical switches directly below the hob, or in the compartment where the cylinder is positioned.
  • There are no electrical switches within 200mm of the hob.

9kg cylinder installation in a kitchen cupboard

9kg cylinder installation in a kitchen cupboard

Potential stumbling blocks
There are restrictions relating to the volume of gas that may be stored on a property:

  • In an apartment above the ground floor, the maximum volume of gas allowed is 9 kg. This is of concern where there is a gas fireplace. A gas fireplace requires a cylinder of at least 19 kg in order to operate effectively. Reducing the size of the cylinder to 9 kg will result in performance issues and is therefore not a viable option. It would be preferable to decommission the fireplace. It is important that all parties are aware of this when signing an offer to purchase.
  • In a freestanding property, the maximum volume of gas that may be stored is 100kg, unless there are plans that have been approved by the Fire Department as well as Town Planning. If the seller has a copy of these plans, they can be handed to the gas inspector. This will prevent delays. If there are no approved plans, the volume of gas stored on the property must be reduced to a maximum of 100kg.
Helpful hints to save you money
We recommend having the inspection done before a potential buyer is introduced to the property. This will enable the seller to make cost saving decisions timeously.

Should you require further advice, you can contact Tyron at our offices.


Why is an Electric Fence Certificate required when selling a property?
In terms of Regulation 12(4) of the Electrical Machinery Regulations (OHS ACT of 1993), an electric fence certificate must be issued when there is a change of ownership of the premises on which such electric fence exists. This came into effect as from 1 October 2012.
Who can issue an Electric Fence Certificate of Compliance?
The regulations that govern electric fence installations are found in SANS 10222-3. These regulations are separate to those that govern the electrical wiring of premises (SANS 10142-2). Only a person accredited by the Department of Labour as an electrical fence installer may issue a C.O.C for an electric fence installation.
How can Inspecto help?
If you do not know who the original installer is, we can assist you to obtain the electric fence certificate.
Helpful hints to save you money
We recommend that you appoint the original electric fence installer. His contact details should be prominently displayed on the fence.

Our reasons for this are:

  1. The original installer will be familiar with the property.
  2. In many instances the original installer will have a maintenance contract in place.
  3. The original installer may be inclined to give a keener price if there are any repairs to be carried out.
  4. The installer will know in what year your fence was installed and will apply the regulations accordingly.

Solar Installation

Yes, even if the certificate is a few years old, you should not proceed with a solar installation or a backup system (inverter and batteries only) if you do not have an existing COC. This is because your solar installer must also issue you with a supplementary COC for their installation work and this certificate must refer to the reference number on the existing/original COC.

If there is no existing COC, you will be taking a risk by installing a solar system. At Inspecto, we have specialized in issuing COCs for nearly three decades. We can assist you in obtaining a COC for the existing installation if you do not have one.

Yes, a COC is required for any electrical work that is done. This is critical if your insurance company is expected to cover your alternative supply. Many solar systems are being installed by non-qualified persons who do not issue certificates after installation.

At Inspecto, we do not issue COCs for other installers of alternative supplies, as they are required to employ qualified and licensed personnel who should be able to issue their own COCs. It is important to ensure that your installer is capable of issuing a COC, before appointing them to proceed with your installation.

NB! If a COC is not issued, you will not be able to register your installation with the supply authority (Eskom or City of Cape Town). See following points below.

If there is no existing COC, you will be taking a risk by installing a solar system. At Inspecto, we have specialized in issuing COCs for nearly three decades. We can assist you in obtaining a COC for the existing installation if you do not have one.


Yes, all alternative supplies (solar or backup only systems) need to be registered with the supply authority. The City of Cape Town’s documentation can be downloaded here. This is the owner’s responsibility and not the responsibility of the installing contractor. In order to do this, you will need valid COCs as mentioned in preceding points.

NB! When registering a solar system, you will need to engage the services of a recognized engineer to process the registration. These costs average between R5000 and R8000. Inspecto can assist in connecting you with an engineer who will process the application on your behalf. To learn more about the process, documentation, and penalties for non-compliance, visit this page on the City’s website.

If you are only installing a backup system (no solar panels), you still need to provide COCs and register with the City, but you will not need the services of an engineer.


We do not approve of the “cookie-cutter” approach to quoting on solar installations. There are many factors that influence the price of a solar installation. These are (in descending order):

1. Your budget – Solar equipment is expensive, and the client’s budget is the most important determining factor when designing an installation they can afford.
2. An existing COC – If you do not have an existing COC, there will be additional costs involved in making the installation compliant before a solar system can be installed. See preceding FAQs relating to COCs on the property.
3. The layout of the property – Distances between roofs that will house the panels and a safe place to install the inverter and batteries will affect the cost of the installation.
4. The availability of space in the main distribution board – Some distribution boards have additional space for the components that will have to be installed, which helps keep the cost down. If the distribution board is not large enough, additional distribution boards may be required, which will increase the cost.
5. Your installer – Some installers offer lower costs but do not use qualified electricians. They cut corners and do not install the required safety equipment. While the cost may seem attractive, the risks are high. The costs will catch up to you when you sell your home and a compliance certificate needs to be issued to transfer your property.

Once all approvals are received, the deposit paid and stock procured, the actual installation will take upwards of 2 days (Backup only systems without solar, can usually be completed in 1 – 2 days). For example, installing 8 solar panels, an inverter, and 1 to 2 batteries should take 3 to 4 days. Large installations can take longer, depending on their complexity.

About Inspecto

  • Founded in 1995.
  • Members of ECA (Electrical Contractors Association) and SAPCA (South African Pest Control Association).
  • Qualified and registered electricians, plumbers wood borer inspectors.
  • Experienced office staff who understand the importance of getting the required certificates to you on time.
  • Longstanding relationships with all sectors of the property market (Conveyancing attorneys, Estate agents, Bodies corporate).
  • Our business philosophy is based on open and honest dealings with our clients and staff, inspecting to the required standards and fair pricing.
“I just wanted to say that Lazarus and George and your team have been here for the last three days. They have been the most efficient, polite, and diligent team of workers I have yet experienced in Cape Town. They are a testament to your business. Thank you.”
– Mr Disler, Clifton
“Your Guys Jairos and Stix were extremely helpful today. Thank you they were a lovely and helpful men.”
– Marisa Naude
“Just wanted to let you know how impressed my wife and I were with the team that you sent out to do the work. They quietly got on with the job, hardly ever disturbing my wife, and cleaned up afterwards. They are a credit to your company.”
– Mr & Mrs Banwell
“I wish to commend Inspecto on the quality of your staff and the level of service provided. In recent weeks I have met some your inspectors and technicians, and all of them have been punctual, courteous and efficient! It was a real pleasure to deal with these individuals and it would be nice if you would pass on my comments to their manager. Thank you.”
– Mr Cox, Hermanus
“I would like to highly commend the 2 electricians who did the final repair work at my flat. I have had occasion to deal with electricians quite often, specifically for this kind of job, and I have never before met two who were as courteous, professional and efficient as these men. They took great care to respect my home, to be tidy and clean, and to do a really really thorough job. Thank you.”
– Mr Meyer, Sandown Crescent
“The gentlemen came to fix our water and electricity defaults yesterday. Would like to commend. Marco, Jean and Rowan on an excellent job done they were meticulous and cleaned up after they were done. They were very friendly and professional. Keep up the good work!!”
– Ms Morris, Sonnendal Street

Contact Us

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Get in Touch!

Office no: 021 551 4185

Jade – 082 443 3011

Elzet – 079 296 6878

David – 082 494 5922

Tyron – 082 442 5372

Nick – 060 977 2425